Week of September 16, 2024
A special welcome to our esteemed Fulbright Scholars through Kent State University: Alla from Belarus, and Lilit from Ukraine! We are honored to learn alongside you!
6th grade Social Studies students practicing cardinal directions and locations (and key vocabulary terms like prime meridian, compass rose, and equator) on Malson Field!
Portrait of Explorer Day #1, with some of our 7th graders working with our kindergarten friends at McDowell. After a story and craft about butterflies, the kindergartners led our middle schoolers through their arboretum! Working together to problem solve and build relationships!
Learning about genetics in 8th grade Science through Monster Speed Dating!!
7th grade Science students are creating roller coasters to investigate potential and kinetic energy, and energy transformations.
In Health and Wellness, students collaborate and problem-solve to turn a tarp completely over while the entire group is still standing on it. Lots of laughter and cheering!!
8th grade Science students “create a teenager” by using a coin toss to determine each of a number of traits. They then draw their teenager to share with the class!
8th Grade History students learn about the height of the living quarters of the passengers on The Mayflower - 66 days at sea!
Mr. Addis and Dr. Cockley were so fortunate to be interviewed by Layth this week. As Mr. Addis shared, “We are so glad [Layth] is a Hudson Explorer and thankful for his presence in our district. He asked us some leadership questions that were amazing! Kids are our foundation.”
Important Notes:
HMS Announcements - Please feel free to visit this site daily for up-to-date announcements for our students and school!
Lost and Found - This link will be updated with new photos periodically. Please check it out to see current items in our Lost and Found. If you see an item that belongs to your family, please have your child stop by to retrieve it, in the Commons by the Student Resource Center.
Hands of Gratitude Sponsorship:
Each year, we seek sponsorship in order to continue the life-changing Hands of Gratitude program that is part of our Service Learning & Careers Course at Hudson Middle School!
If you know of a person or organization who may be interested in supporting this program at our school, please feel free to pass this on. We've made the sponsorship even easier, through our simplified PaySchools link: https://www.payschoolsevents.com/events/details/35419
Our students are making a difference and are so appreciative of your support!
See our Hands of Gratitude Sponsorship flyer for more details about this incredible program, the incredible individuals and organizations who are sponsoring the program this year thus far, and how you can help!
HS Football Games:
Thank you for reviewing the email that was sent a few weeks ago from our High School Athletic Director, Mike Chuppa, regarding our Elementary and Middle School students at the High School Football games. We truly appreciate your help with this! In part:
Middle school and elementary students attending games are encouraged to sit with their parents or families in the stands.
Parents are responsible for the supervision of, or arranging supervision for, their children.
Roughhousing, throwing items, climbing on fencing and beams, and/or using profane language are strictly prohibited.
Please leave footballs at home. They are not to be brought to the game.
Hudson Community First Parent/Guardian Night at HMS on Sep 25: Guest Speaker Michelle Icard
Author Michelle Icard will be speaking to parents about how to have important conversations with your pre-teens and teens. She has written Fourteen Talks by Age Fourteen and several other parenting books. Learn some take home strategies you can implement right away to help you navigate parenting.
Wednesday, September 25, at 7:00pm in the HMS Auditorium
Student Fees - in PaySchools:
HMS and HHS school fees and athletic/activity fees are available for parents/guardians to pay in PaySchools.
Thank you for visiting this site to pay fees: https://www.payschoolscentral.com/
You may also choose to send a check in to the middle school main office, if you prefer.
Playground Equipment and Lunchtime Games Donations:
If you would like to donate new or used playground equipment for our middle schoolers, we would greatly appreciate it! Our students enjoy just being outside, and playing with soccer balls, basketballs, playground balls, and tennis balls. In addition, our PTO Bookstore would gratefully accept any donations of games (complete sets, gently used or new) like Connect Four, Chess, Uno, Taco Goat Cheese Pizza, etc.
Kindly drop off your donation to our middle school main office. Thank you so much for considering!
HMS Lunchroom Aide Position Available:
Perfect lunch-time hours! Outstanding people!
We have an HMS lunch aide position available. The role is part-time daily from 10:30am - 1:00pm.
This is such an important part of our students’ day, and we are truly appreciative of the individuals who support them during lunch.
If you know of anyone who might consider this role, please reach out to them to share about this opportunity. You may know a retired friend, a recent graduate, or someone thinking about re-entering the workforce. Thank you so much for helping to spread the news.
Anyone interested can apply via our district website under Job ID 2614 (Educational Aide/Lunch).
We also are always looking for substitutes, for those who need a little more flexibility.
HMS Kitchen / Food Services Positions Available:
Great hours! Outstanding people!
We have a few openings in our amazing Hudson Middle School kitchen - the heart of our school.
The role is part-time daily from 8:30am - 1:00pm. We also have options for shorter hours if that works with your schedule better.
The role may include food prep and serving, as well as cashier. It’s a great way to interact with our students, during this important time in their day.
If you know of anyone who might consider this role, please reach out to them to share about this opportunity. You may know a retired friend, a recent graduate, or someone thinking about re-entering the workforce. Thank you so much for helping to spread the news.
Anyone interested can apply via our district website under Job ID 2580 (HMS Food Service) or Job ID 2038 (Food Service sub).
We also have substitute roles available, for those who need a little more flexibility.