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Week of December 9, 2024

The Week in Review at HMS: Notes from Dr. Cockley

“Mini-Stock-Market” in 6th grade Social Studies! So impressive listening to students buying and selling the goods they created, with their understanding of supply and demand, and other key ideas like producer, consumer, negotiating, competition, opportunity, trade, etc!


Medical Detectives class - interviewing guest patients to diagnose and treat them! 


In Health and Wellness class, students try out the Fatal Vision goggles and HPD’s new pedal cars, after their discussions with our SRO Officer Price about safe driving and the serious dangers of impairment. Students learned valuable life lessons about positive choices and safety.


Can Rome be built in a day? That was the question for our 7th grade students, as they studied Ancient Rome, and used their knowledge of scale factors to recreate the quadrants of the city! Engaged collaboration!


It’s Group Jeopardy in American History! Students collaborate during the chapter review as they write their group response on their team white boards.


Winter Holiday Concert, showcasing our outstanding 6th, 7th, and 8th grade bands! What a phenomenal evening! Thank you to our students and directors!


What an inspirational day! Our 8th Grade Service Learning and Careers students presented to audience members on their Service Learning projects - sharing their research and their service. Our students were truly outstanding! Thank you for making a positive difference in our world, and inspiring others to do the same!


Special thanks to the HHS Student Government for selecting the holiday themes for our districtwide Holiday Spirit Week!

Important Notes:

HMS Announcements - Please feel free to visit this site daily for up-to-date announcements for our students and school!

Lost and Found - Check this link to view current items in our Lost and Found. If you see an item that belongs to your family, please have your child stop by to retrieve it, in the Commons by the Student Resource Center.

PeachJar Flyers - Each Friday, we distribute an email with the latest electronic flyers that have been submitted and approved via our platform called Peachjar. Flyers typically provide information on events/happenings both in the district and in the greater community. Our district families are already uploaded into the system, so you should receive this directly to your email inbox regularly.  

Traffic Pattern - Change in Exits, and Important Reminders

  • We've made a minor adjustment to the exit options for families. We've removed Evamere as an exit, due to our bus routes. We ask that families exit via Oviatt, Franklin, or the access road to East Woods.
  • A few other important reminders: 
  • Bus transportation is encouraged, to reduce the car traffic on our campus and on surrounding streets for our neighbors.
  • If opting to drop your child off in the morning:  
    • Enter via Oviatt. Please do not enter from Franklin. (Franklin Street is exit only, during AM and PM HMS arrival/dismissal times)
    • Please pull up as far as possible (toward the visitors' spots in our circle), before your child exits the vehicle. 
    • Please do NOT stop in front of the pillars, if you are able to pull forward further. This helps keep the traffic moving smoothly, for maximum efficiency.
  • A HUGE Shout Out and THANK YOU to our morning Leaders and Greeters! These student volunteers have helped tremendously with our traffic flow! They are AMAZING!  At times, though, students or staff may not be able to help, so we kindly ask that you continue to follow the procedures even when you don’t see a student or adult helping in the circle.
  • Thank you so much for taking note of these procedures. It requires everyone’s help to make this process go smoothly and safely, so THANK YOU!

Thursday, 12/19: Important Information if You're Picking Up Early

  • We have an adjusted schedule on Thursday, December 19, as we celebrate our last day before Winter Break with beautiful music assemblies in the morning, and a school-wide Pep Assembly at the end of the day!
  • If you are picking your child up early for any reason, please do so by 2:00pm (before the pep assembly). 
  • As always, students should notify Mrs. Brodbeck in the Attendance office in the morning that they will be leaving early.

Six District Compact Career Program Showcase:

  • Attention Middle & High School Families, you are invited on January 7 between 4:30-6 p.m. to the Career Program Showcase at Kent State University to tour the exhibits of the 29 Career-Technical Education programs within the Six District Compact.
  • See flyer for more details.

HMS Staff Shout Outs: 

  • Has an HMS staff member made a difference for your child? We love to show appreciation for our amazing staff at HMS! Here’s an opportunity to share more personally if a staff member has made a difference, no matter how big or small. I will be sure to recognize their efforts individually and quietly. HMS Staff Shout Out Google Form