Week of September 3, 2024
We love sunny days! These 6th grade Social Studies students spent time outside on Malson Field, to enhance their study of latitude and longitude.
Exploring the Energy Skate Park simulation! Science students create a structure, measuring its kinetic, potential, and thermal energy as they make revisions. Soon, they’ll build their own roller coasters using this knowledge!
Welcome to our new 6th graders! So much positive feedback from students about how many books we have to offer and how much they love their new media center!
Students in 7th Grade Social Studies prepare a presentation on their topic, using the GRAPES format: themes of Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economics and Social Structure.
Our HMS media center is in full swing as we welcomed several LA classes this week ending our lessons with time to read from newly checked out books in our amazing space!
Testing independent variables, to better understand the dependent variable results. Students explore temperature and time for the melting of ice!
Presenting about important historical figures, after researching and “designing” their character.
Important Notes:
HMS Announcements - Please feel free to visit this site daily for up-to-date announcements for our students and school!
HMS Lunch Aide Position Available:
Perfect lunch-time hours! Outstanding people!
We have an HMS lunch aide position available. The role is part-time daily from 10:30am - 1:00pm.
This is such an important part of our students’ day, and we are truly appreciative of the individuals who support them during lunch.
If you know of anyone who might consider this role, please reach out to them to share about this opportunity. You may know a retired friend, a recent graduate, or someone thinking about re-entering the workforce. Thank you so much for helping to spread the news.
Anyone interested can apply via our district website under Job ID 2614 (Educational Aide/Lunch).
We also are always looking for substitutes, for those who need a little more flexibility.
Hudson Community First Parent/Guardian Night at HMS on Sep 25: Guest Speaker Michelle Icard
All parents/guardians of pre-teens and teens are invited!
Author Michelle Icard will be speaking to parents about how to have important conversations with your pre-teens and teens. She has written Fourteen Talks by Age Fourteen and several other parenting books. Learn some take home strategies you can implement right away to help you navigate parenting.
Wednesday, September 25, at 7:00pm in the HMS Auditorium
Student Fees - in PaySchools by Tuesday, Sep 10:
HMS and HHS school fees and athletic/activity fees will soon be available for parents/guardians to pay in PaySchools.
Thank you for visiting this site to pay fees, beginning Tuesday, September 10: https://www.payschoolscentral.com/
You may also choose to send a check in to the middle school main office, if you prefer.
Week of Sep 16: Start with Hello Week and Social Inclusion Advisory Lesson
During the week of September 16, we will share the positive message of Start with Hello week with our students via morning announcements.
The purpose of Start with Hello week is to help build connections among students, to counteract loneliness and isolationism. With a focus on positive actions students and staff can do, we hope to build upon our culture of inclusiveness and belonging.
On Monday, September 16, our Advisory Lesson will focus on Social Inclusion.
New legislation in Ohio (House Bill 123) requires us to teach a lesson on Social Inclusion, in grades 6-12. Our district has selected the “Start with Hello” curriculum, through Sandy Hook Promise Learning Center, which is a state-approved curriculum provider.
The lessons from “Start with Hello” align with our HMS Advisory purpose of building relationships! This year’s lesson can be reviewed here: Start with Hello: HMS Advisory Lesson 2024
If you would like to opt your child out of this lesson, please email Dr. Cockley by September 13 at cockleyk@hudson.k12.oh.us
On Tuesday, September 17, as part of our focus on being one community and part of the Hudson family, we are all wearing our Portrait of an Explorer shirts for our first POE day of the school year - Adaptive Problem Solver. Shirts will be distributed in homeroom on this day. We are all Explorers and support each other!
Child Leaving Early - Note or Photo ID:
A friendly reminder to please send your child with a note in the morning to the attendance office (just within the main office) if you know ahead of time that you'll be picking them up early. This provides notice to our office staff and enables your child to meet you promptly in the attendance office. If you did not send in a note with your child, please bring your photo ID with you when arriving to pick up your child, and please be prepared to wait for your child to arrive from class - thank you for your patience and understanding.
Here’s a quick checklist for you and your child, to help you navigate just what to do.
Parking After-Hours: Please Do Not Park on Grass Areas:
We respectfully request that parking for events and/or pick-up after hours occur in the campus parking lot areas, rather than on campus grass areas. This helps keep the grass healthy and the field areas safe for student use. Again, please refrain from parking on the grass. Thank you so much for your assistance with this.