Weeks of 1/15 and 1/22
The Week in Review at HMS: Notes from Dr. Cockley
We are so proud to honor our December Students Making a Difference! Thank you for making HMS such an amazing school! We celebrate you for being friendly, conscientious, kind, and inclusive!
In 8th grade, we welcomed Great Lakes Actors in Residence! What an incredible experience for our students to learn directly about drama, characterization, plot, etc. from professional actors! Special thanks to HMS PTO for providing grant funding for this opportunity!
Learning about Equinoxes and Solstices in 7th grade Science - reading and reflecting on a collaborative poster! Students loved sharing that daylight is getting longer right now...and why!
It's Portrait of an Explorer Day, centered on the theme of Critical Thinker! "An Explorer is open-minded, curious, thoughtful, and informed by evidence when evaluating and proposing solutions." Students explored this idea in many ways throughout the day in their classes!
Looking ahead to Hudson High School...our 8th graders learned about the amazing opportunities available to them at HHS through their scheduling session with the HS counseling department!
6th graders participate in a Book Talk Collaboration in our media center, reviewing a selection of books in their small groups, and choosing which ones they'd like to learn more about from Mrs. Kingan! Then, it's time to check out books! Such enthusiasm around reading and literacy!
7th grade Social Studies students collaborate with a partner to read and synthesize nonfiction text about Feudalism in Western Europe, using the Triangle Strategy. Great conversations and summarization!!
Studying topographical maps in 8th grade Science - students create 3D models from their own maps to further enhance their learning!
Exploring Mesopotamia, in 6th grade Social Studies through a reflection and connection activity!
Thank you to our Hudson Police Department, in collaboration with Hudson Community First, for their presentation for parents/guardians at HMS on Thursday, January 18: "What You Don't Know and Why You Should." Phenomenal information! We are so fortunate to have such dedicated individuals in our community who support the positive growth of our youth! THANK YOU!
Important Notes:
HMS Announcements - Please feel free to visit this site daily for up-to-date announcements for our students and school!
P/T Conferences, 2/7, 8:00am - 3:00pm
HMS Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, February 7, from 8:00am – 3:00pm. As a reminder, there will be no school for students in grades PreK - 8 on February 7.
If your child’s teaching team requested a conference, you were already contacted directly.
If you were not contacted by your child's teachers, please know that a conference is not required at this time. If you would still like to schedule a conference, however, we absolutely welcome you in to meet with your child’s team of teachers. Please visit this link to sign up for a time: https://ptcfast.com/schools/Hudson_Middle_School_2
Families have the option of meeting in-person or via Zoom. If you choose the Zoom option, you will select a time first using the link above and then contact the lead teacher listed, to be provided the Zoom link and password.
Fall 2023 Panorama Review and Celebrations!
We’ll be sharing these highlights and celebrations with our students about what we learned from them, through the Fall 2023 Panorama Survey.
Please take a moment to check out these highlights through either the slideshow or the 6 ½ minute video of those same slides (same information, just different format choices):
We have so much to celebrate! A HUGE thank you to our students, staff, and families!
"Be Kind and Smart Online" Summit County Prosecutors Office Presentation
THANK YOU to representatives from the Summit County Prosecutor’s Office who presented to our students: “Be Kind and Smart Online.” The focus of this presentation was on internet safety education topics such as how to avoid cyberbullying, online predators, and sending/receiving inappropriate photos and content.
- We know that the overall topic of online safety is one our students benefit from hearing and discussing on a regular basis, and we appreciate your support of your child with these important conversations.
HMS Yearbook Order Window: 1/29-2/14!
Each year, our HMS Yearbook (hard-cover) is created and designed to commemorate the school year and showcase our HMS family! We are thrilled to offer the 2023-2024 HMS Yearbook to students/families through Jostens for $35.
The order window will be open Monday, 1/29, through 2/14/24. Please visit the Jostens Yearbook link (jostens.com/ybk) beginning Monday to place your order of this middle school keepsake!
Yearbooks are delivered to HMS, and our goal is to distribute them at the end of this school year, for students to autograph and celebrate their year together!
If you have any yearbook questions, please contact secretary Penny Tschantz at tschantp@hudson.k12.oh.us
HMS Staff Shout Outs:
- Has an HMS staff member made a difference for your child? We love to show appreciation for our amazing staff at HMS! Here’s an opportunity to share more personally if a staff member has made a difference, no matter how big or small. I will be sure to recognize their efforts individually and quietly. HMS Staff Shout Out Google Form