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Week of 8/16/23

The Week in Review at HMS: Notes from Dr. Cockley

Week of August 16, 2023
What a wonderful first week of 2023-24 at Hudson Middle School!  We truly believe in this sentiment, and it shows: "No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship."  ~James Comer
Thanks to our Hudson Community First Youth Board and other amazing volunteers for their Chalk the Walk project!  Such a fun way to welcome our students!
6th grade is off to a great start - relationship building. That's what it's all about!  During the first two days of school, 6th graders enjoy team-building, tours, and orientation activities to help them feel welcomed and comfortable at HMS!  
Science class experiments - how fun on day 1 to see science in action!!
The Graph of Me - what a fun mathematical way to learn about each other! Graphing only the points that describe each student, and then comparing graphs to each other! 
Collaboration and teamwork are so important in class! These 8th graders in American History work with each other to describe and draw a specific image (with eyes closed)!
Lots of laughter and enthusiasm in our PE classes! Students learn and play a fun listening game to get them thinking and moving...and learning about each other! 
Our VIP Student Leaders/Greeters and our PE teachers (aka the High Five Welcoming Crew!) helped our days begin smoothly and with a smile - THANK YOU!!!!
It’s just SO MUCH better when the students and staff are here!! Happy 1st week of school, HMS!! 
Welcome to the new school year! We are SO happy you are here!

Important Notes:

HMS Announcements - Please feel free to visit this site daily for up-to-date announcements for our students and school!

Make-Up Picture Day: Orders for school pictures can be placed using this link, which is open through August 31. Make-up Picture Day will be held during the school day on Tuesday, August 22.

Open House Nights: 

  • We look forward to meeting our families at our upcoming HMS Open House nights: 

    • 7th Grade (August 23, 6:00-7:30pm)

    • 6th Grade (August 24, 6:00-7:30pm)

    • 8th Grade (August 30, 6:00-7:45pm)

  • More detailed information will be shared for your specific grade-level Open House evening. A letter and schedule will come home with your child the day before the Open House event. Be sure to bring that schedule with you to Open House (or take a photo).

  • PLEASE NOTE: This is a different format than the K-5 Open House nights. In grades 6-12, our Open House format is designed to allow parents to walk through their child’s schedule to learn from each teacher about the course and curriculum.

  • Because our Open Houses are very well attended by parents/guardians, students do not typically attend. 

  • If you are unable to attend, please visit our teachers' webpages for information about their courses. 

Dress Code Reminder:

  • We appreciate your help and support, ensuring that our students follow our school dress code. We shared the dress code with students on Friday and will be asking that they follow it moving forward. A few specific items to note:

    • School dress should be similar to what would be appropriate for an informal workplace or place of business.

    • Shorts or skirts should be an appropriate length.

    • Clothing must cover undergarments, midriff and private areas.

iPad Insurance - by September 1 at 4:00pm:  

Positive Expectations Assembly/Presentation:  

  • We held grade-level assemblies on Thursday and Friday to share our positive expectations with students.  Check out our Student Positive Expectations Presentation!  During the assembly, we introduced the idea of a 20-ft circle of influence. How do you want others to feel when they're in your 20-ft circle? Uplifted? Positive? Like they belong? That's our goal at HMS!   

Homework Connection (Free Tutoring by NHS Students):

  • The Homework Connection program (free tutoring) begins Sunday, September 10th at the Hudson Library, thanks to our High School National Honor Society student leaders. Click here for more information!

Mark Your Calendars - September 12 - Dr. Lisa Damour Parent/Guardian Night:

  • More information will be forthcoming about an incredible parent/guardian presentation by Dr. Lisa Damour, scheduled for September 12 at 7:00pm in the HMS Auditorium, thanks to Hudson Community First!  Dr. Damour will present practical guidance for supporting our children. This will be one of several opportunities for families through a Speaker Series this year! Look for more detailed information to follow.