Week of 1/29/24
The Week in Review at HMS: Notes from Dr. Cockley
Spirit Week, 2/8 - 2/14! Thanks to our HMS Student Council for sponsoring some fun spirit days as we head into Valentine's Day and our long weekend!
7th grade Science students show their in-depth understanding from this unit, through poster modeling!
Skittles! Math students applied their knowledge of uniform and non-uniform probabilities to create a probability model for selecting each color from a bag of Skittles. Students recorded their data and compared the theoretical probabilities to their experimental probabilities!
Digital Literacy lessons in 6th grade, with the amazing Mrs. Kingan! Such important topics for our students to learn and discuss!
We love these art displays in the windows into our art classrooms! Check out these incredible book scultpures from our Sculpture students!!
In remembrance of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Truly amazing projects from some of our 6th grade students!
Service Learning & Careers class for second semester has just started the Hands of Gratitude project! They've learned about the need around the world, and then more personally about the recipient for whom they are building the prosthetic hand. Such emotional connections this week! And so far, Hands of Gratitude and Hudson Middle School together have provided 289 hands throughout the world! How incredible and humbling!
Learn more about how you can help support this life-changing program!
Important Notes:
HMS Announcements - Please feel free to visit this site daily for up-to-date announcements for our students and school!
P/T Conferences, 2/7, 8:00am - 3:00pm
HMS Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, February 7, from 8:00am – 3:00pm. As a reminder, there will be no school for students in grades PreK - 8 on February 7.
If your child’s teaching team requested a conference, you were already contacted directly.
If you were not contacted by your child's teachers, please know that a conference is not required at this time. If you would still like to schedule a conference, however, we absolutely welcome you in to meet with your child’s team of teachers. Please visit this link to sign up for a time: https://ptcfast.com/schools/Hudson_Middle_School_2
You're Invited to the HMS Talent Show on Friday, February 9, at 7:00pm!!
- The Hudson Middle School Talent Show will take place at 7:00pm on Friday, February 9. Tickets are available online for $8 via Payschools Events.
- Click here to secure your tickets! Students and families are welcome!!
- We can't wait to see our students SHINE!!
- HMS Talent Show Flyer
HMS Yearbook Orders, Due 2/14!
Each year, our HMS Yearbook (hard-cover) is created and designed to commemorate the school year and showcase our HMS family! We are thrilled to offer the 2023-2024 HMS Yearbook to students/families through Jostens for $35.
The order window is open through 2/14/24. Please visit the Jostens Yearbook link (jostens.com/ybk) to place your order of this middle school keepsake!
Yearbooks are delivered to HMS, and our goal is to distribute them at the end of this school year, for students to autograph and celebrate their year together!
If you have any yearbook questions, please contact secretary Penny Tschantz at tschantp@hudson.k12.oh.us
Right to Read Week at HMS - Author Visit!
We are THRILLED to announce our annual PTO Right to Read Week happening March 18 through March 22, 2024, featuring award-winning author Jerry Craft!!! Mr. Craft will be visiting Hudson Middle School on Tuesday, March 19, 2024.
- Author Visit
- Special thanks to our AMAZING Hudson PTO and Kiwanis of Hudson for providing the funding to bring this author to HMS for our middle school students! How fortunate are our students to be surrounded by this community of support! HMS Author Visit Flyer
- Jerry Craft is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and illustrator of the New Kid series. New Kid is the only graphic novel in history to win the John Newbery Medal for the Most Outstanding Contribution to Children’s Literature (2020)! Additional awards include (among many others) the 2019 Kirkus Prize for Young Readers’ Literature and the 2020 Coretta Scott King Book Awards Author Award! And, recently, “Universal Pictures has acquired film rights to New Kid, with LeBron James’ The Spring Hill Company on board to develop and produce. Craft will be an executive producer” (www.jerrycraft.com, 2024).
- One Book One School, Day of Reading: New Kid
- We are so grateful to share even more amazing news! This year, each student will receive a complimentary copy of New Kid (Book 1 in the series), for our March 15 One Book One School Day of Reading!! This is thanks to GENEROUS grant-funding from Hudson PTO, Kiwanis of Hudson, Hudson League for Service, and the Maltz Museum!!
- Students will have the option to donate their book back to HMS for use by future students, if they’d like to at the end of the day.
- Book Sale: March 13 - 19
- In conjunction with the author visit, Hudson PTO is offering the two additional books in Craft’s New Kid series: Class Act (Book 2) and School Trip (Book 3) for student purchase.
- This in-person sale will occur at HMS before school in the Commons between March 13 - March 19 and during lunches those same days at our PTO Bookstore.
- No pre-sale orders will take place.
- Students who purchase Book 2 and/or Book 3 from the PTO Book Sale will be able to have their books signed by Mr. Craft!
Please watch for Right to Read daily happenings and activities coming soon, in connection with our HMS March Kindness Month efforts. To learn more about the author and Right to Read Week, please contact Leah Anglin-Walsh at anglinwalsh@gmail.com or Marra Teti at marrateti@gmail.com
Fall 2023 Panorama Review and Celebrations!
We’ll be sharing these highlights and celebrations with our students about what we learned from them, through the Fall 2023 Panorama Survey.
Please take a moment to check out these highlights through either the slideshow or the 6 ½ minute video of those same slides (same information, just different format choices):
We have so much to celebrate! A HUGE thank you to our students, staff, and families!
HMS Staff Shout Outs:
- Has an HMS staff member made a difference for your child? We love to show appreciation for our amazing staff at HMS! Here’s an opportunity to share more personally if a staff member has made a difference, no matter how big or small. I will be sure to recognize their efforts individually and quietly. HMS Staff Shout Out Google Form